Your Church Isn’t Dead Yet

Sam Rainer
There is hope. God can save your church.
Rainer Publishing is excited to release Thom Rainer’s latest book, Anatomy of a Revived Church.
Thom Rainer reveals seven findings of revived churches. Through new research, he figuratively dissects hundreds of churches that were on the path toward death. But they turned around. They revived. They did so in the face of naysayers who told them it could not be done.
From the book:
What is the central thesis of our anatomy of revived churches? In essence, the revived churches chose to live. That choice was arduous. That choice was challenging. That choice was painstakingly slow at times. That choice was almost always painful. That choice required church members and leaders to put God and others before themselves. That choice was sacrificial.
But in the final analysis, that choice was a choice of life.
Here is the complement of “change or die.” It is “change and live.”
The good news is that we are discovering thousands of churches that are making the decision to live. The great news is one more church can be added to their number. That church can be your church.
You can get the book on Amazon.