Rainer Research Is Now Church Answers Consulting!
Sam Rainer
My journey into church consulting began almost twenty years ago as a teenager. My father would hand me stacks of congregational surveys and ask me to crunch numbers. The pay was minimal, but at least the job came with free rent.
What my father, Thom Rainer, founded in 1989 has changed over the years. When the company began, it was called Church Growth Visions. During his time at Southern Seminary, the company became Rainer Group. When he went to LifeWay Christian Resources, he handed the company to me, and it became Rainer Research.
For over a decade, I’ve operated as Rainer Research. But now it’s time for another change. Rainer Research is now Church Answers Consulting! My father is retiring from LifeWay, and we will work together again at Church Answers. My plan is to continue as a lead pastor and serve Church Answers as a side gig, just like I’ve done for the last two decades.
You can learn more about what we’re doing at Church Answers. We have solutions for as low as $15 per month.