What the Southern Baptist Convention Needs Right Now

Sam Rainer

June 3, 2018


For far too long, we’ve been wrong. We were wrong about slavery. We were wrong about Civil Rights. Now many of us are wrong about the #MeToo movement. The Southern Baptist Convention has been wrong about horrifying sins. Obvious sins. Massive sins affecting generations. Right now, we’re a dumpster fire, and we keep fueling it with shovels of manure. We’re full of it, and the world is watching. That’s not hyperbole.

We need repentance, not excuses. God’s wrath is upon us. Our God is a consuming fire. Excuses will work like tiny strands of straw standing against a raging wildfire. There should be no sermon at this year’s annual convention. Leave the pulpit vacant. Let the room be silent and call the messengers to prostrate themselves in repentance.

We need humility, not charisma. Our convention has wrongly elevated charisma over humility. The bold leaders with pithy lines tend to get the most attention. It’s time we submit to humility instead of charisma.

There are thousands of no-name pastors out there faithfully serving the bride of Christ. They get no attention—no book deals, no blog views, no Twitter followers, no positions of power. We need more pedestrian pastors like my wife’s grandfather. He toiled in obscurity among the rolling fields of Kentucky farms, shepherding in poverty without any glory or recognition. He preached the gospel until he died, then was forgotten. Give us more like him.

We need to care about character as much as we do about doctrine. We fought battles over doctrine, and the spoils of war went to power barons who lacked integrity. The conservative resurgence has not even brought about an increase in baptisms, much less revival. Instead, we are now flooded with the moral failures of former foot soldiers.

God is purging us. We need a new era—one defined by character as much as doctrine. Before you label me with assumptions, let me say I’m neither a liberal nor part of any Calvinist conspiracy. I led our church to rework our doctrinal statement to include the word inerrancy and make it a requirement for membership. And I’m a happy three-pointer who can make friends with just about anyone along the sliding scale of Reformed theology.

For the last forty years, we’ve worshiped doctrinal heroes and did not ask enough questions about their character. We assumed they were right in the heart since they were right in the head. Some of them were neither. Now we’re reaping what we’ve sown. It’s time to care as much about character as we do doctrine.

We need new earthly heroes. We have our heavenly Hero. Jesus is turning our tables of power right now. He’s driving out some of us with a whip of cords. The supreme place is for Jesus, and He will take it one way or the other. But we also need some new earthly heroes. How about the courageous women who have come forward to share their stories of abuse? How about the people of color who have stuck with us despite our gross legacy of slavery and racism? They are the true heroes of the SBC.

The prophet Hosea called for repentance. In order to return to God, the people had to be torn to heal.

We should be appalled. Horrified. Sick. No more “break her down.” We need God to break us down.

Come, let us return to the Lord.

For he has torn us,

and he will heal us;

he has wounded us,

and he will bind up our wounds.

The good Lord may just rip us apart to heal us.

191 comments on “What the Southern Baptist Convention Needs Right Now”

  1. Mike Roy says:

    Amen. Thanks for sharing this.

    1. Robert Boe says:

      Ive only been to the wisconsin lutheran synod convention held last year. We had a wonderful convention last year . Christ doctrines what could be more important than that.? Christs doctrines include repentance Repentance lutherans do lots of that because its so much a part of our trust in Jesus having forgiving us. Repentance is very reassuring that Jesus has taken the guilt of our sins away . Jesus only came to save sinners and no one else! And he gave us repentance to show he still loves us that much .

  2. Andy Arnold says:

    Thank you Sam! You hit the nail in the head and hopefully the same nail will pierce our hearts.

  3. Thom Rainer says:

    I could not be prouder of you, Sam.

    1. David Blaney says:


    2. Love the article. Perfectly stated. Also very exciting for me to have a connection and see a picture of Sam. You have blessed our family for years with a book each Christmas for our children (WinShape Home in AL). Your faithfulness to bring joy also brings hope to me as you faithfully minister to our family. I get just as excited as the children to receive that package in the mail each Dec. Thank you! Stay the Course!!!

    3. cb scott says:

      And rightfully so.

    4. ed says:

      he looks like a young thom

    5. Rob says:

      Which two points of the TULIP does your son not adhere to? Just curious.

      1. Robert Boe says:

        Why not believe in all the verses of the bible the verses calvin used and the verses the other guy used against Calvin?

  4. Carroll d pettigrew says:

    I have felt this for years! Lay people tend to believe anything a popular Christian leader says without question!

    1. David says:

      Not just laity but many preachers do too.

    2. Ray Williamson says:

      You don’t give lay people enough credit

  5. John says:

    Thanks Sam! You hit the nail on the head! “We fought battles over doctrine, and the spoils of war went to power barons who lacked integrity.” Too true.

  6. John Little says:

    I was raised a Southern Baptist. At 54 I’ve now served as a pastor or staff minister for 35 years in Southern Baptist churches. Sadly the denomination I once was proud to be a member of I frankly could care less about being a part of anymore. I’m tired. I’m worn out. And I really don’t feel as if the denomination cares about those of us that have been on the front lines for years while we’ve seen massive changes made by the SBC to try to make us feel better about things. NAMB restructuring. IMB layoffs. Great Commission Baptist name change. All while our world is going to hell in a hand basket. We are told that we should ignore the great works being done by non denominational church because we have the cooperative program and they don’t. Yet the CP, for all it’s good, which is a lot, also became a litmus test for ones loyalty to the SBC. A competition among churches for greater placement in the state papers.
    It’s time we all simply go out and reach a lost world. Simply. The way Jesus showed us.

    1. Brenda says:

      Well said!

    2. Debbie Eddington says:


    3. Shannon Davis says:

      Well said.

    4. Jeannie Keist says:

      Wow! God love you and God bless you.

    5. audrey says:

      well said, I take exception to us getting involved with the #metoo movement because the people who are the loudest are using this to attack our President more than give voice to women. I’m 73, female and SB for 64 years. we have to be careful not to be a tare, when God separates the ehest from the tares.

    6. Bill Weaver says:

      Thanks, John. Don’t give up. Your plight will result in plunder on the other side. Competition has always been a problem in the convention. Let’s just do our calling and make our election sure. I hear ya brother. Keep fighting the most excellent fight.

    7. Julie Epps says:

      My parents buried three sons, moved 30 times in the military, and the hardest, but surest, decision they ever made was to resign their lifetime SBC membership about 40 years ago. I should find my father’s writings during that time to see how “prophetic” he was.

      1. John Little says:

        I’d love to read that Julie! Hi cousin!

    8. Judy Barnette says:

      Thank you for this. I’ve been saying for years that we spend way too much time and money debating doctrine…… what does doctrine matter if we have a lost world? Everyone needs to quit having debates and just go tell people about Jesus!

      1. Matthew Luttman says:

        Doctrine and evangelism cannot be separated.

    9. Bam says:

      I’ve been a Namb missionary for 5 years .. I am
      DONE with the SBC .. full of politics, brother against brother .. looking at brothers as enemies .. process over the leading of the Holy Spirit .. having meetings to decide to have a meeting ., I am so done .. I want nothing to do unless there is a mass repentance in the leadership.

    10. Audrey Downs says:

      As a former Church Secretary/Treasurer for 17 years. I’ve become VERY sad over how the SBC has changed. It started with new President Greene of Carolina. I’ve not attended my church for 8 mos. I’m not sure I want to be associated with SBC anymore.

  7. Roberta Jones says:

    Relevant thoughts! Great writing!

  8. Virginia says:

    Thank you Sam.There is much I can say but you said it best. Dios le bendiga.

  9. Kelleen Little says:

    Oh yes! Such a powerful word. Thank you, Sam!

  10. You stirred my soul! I believe this could be the biggest thing the Lord does in our generation; in hearts, in the church, in our culture. This has the potential to defeat one of Satan’s longest standing lies to kill, destroy and annihilate a woman’s worth. Let’s turn it around on him and kill, destroy and annihilate his hold on us, and on the church; in Jesus’ name!

  11. Mark says:

    Good word! Unfortunately it rings true in most other tribes as well. I am a 3rd. generation (now former) Nazarene who has seen the very same slipping away. May we all fall on our faces and come up with change of heart, mind, and behavior. God save us from sin! God save us from ourselves!

    1. David says:

      Yes Mark, as a current Nazarene I agree that we need the grace of God to save us. Submission, obedience, forgiveness of others are expressions of true love for others. I am hopeful, not because I am good but because I have seen God’s ability to transform!

  12. Michelle Salzman says:

    I have left 3 SBC churches in the last 20 years due to the character of the pastor and other staff members. Everyone looked the other way. Thankfully, my family and I have been at a healthy SBC church for the last 9 years. I am so great full for this article and for the media unraveling the character flaws of leaders who shouldn’t be leading. I pray for revival!

    1. That’s the problem I hear so many people have, instead of ‘Standing Your Ground’ you run away. Ephesians 6 tells us to stand your ground twice. Correct the problems instead of running away.

      1. Michelle Salzman says:

        You’re assuming I didn’t try before I left. My husband and I both tried.

      2. Arthur says:

        You win Ace. You were the first to judge her.

      3. T Parker says:

        Ace: What makes you think you have the answer;seems like a might judgmental comment to me!

      4. michele says:

        I am assuming that “Michelle” is a woman – is she allowed to “stand her ground.”

    2. Rita Luce says:

      Where do you attend? I am beginning to wonder if there were any healthy Biblically sound doctrine SBC churches

  13. Heard across the world. Truth sounds clearly, will ears listen in these times?

  14. JD says:

    Don’t forget all the time spent demonizing the LGBT community, much of it by church leaders and members seeking to distract and mask their sins. Then, of course, evangelicals moved on to the war for marriage, pretending as if allowing gay marriages would somehow destroy the institution of marriage. Now evangelicals are angling for “religious freedom” laws as a last stand, somewhere they can still unleash all their pent-up hatred and bitterness toward the gay community. So yeah, nice article, but you failed to mention one of the chief reasons the church is in the state it’s in.

    1. Ellie Schiffer says:

      We should never hate people in the LGBT community, but we should hate the lifestyle. Our goal should be to lead them to repentance and a saving knowledge of Christ, who changes lives. Too many times we run from calling sin sin.

      1. Cynthia says:

        And what is that “lifestyle”? Nurses, teachers, farmers, parents at PTA meetings, churchgoers, volunteers…the same lifestyle you and your family. Please stop this nonsense and think about the words you use. Remember how people used to justify racial bigotry? How recently Roseanne did?? Did you read the article? The abuse is coming from straight Christians in leadership – those are the hidden lifestyles you should fear.

        1. Amy says:

          Awesome comment, Cynthia! I grew up in an ultra-conservative, ultra-controlling SBC. When I became an adult and began using my brain as God intended (not letting someone in “authority” do my thinking and deciding for me), I wound up leaving the SBC. My family is still deeply rooted in the SBC and its justified bigotry of anyone and anything different from the truth they think they know. I asked my mother once if she believed only SBC Christians were going to go to heaven. She immediately said no, but then followed that declaration with “but I do believe we are the only ones who have the words of life.” WHAT?? If the SBC is the only church with the words of life, as she put it, then all other Christian sects are doomed, and the SBCs are truly the only ones going to heaven. SMH.

      2. Audrey Downs says:


    2. Bubba Smith says:

      The church is in the state its in because of the state of moral decline in the world around it. The church is made up of people. Sinful struggling people. You criticize it because the lifestyle you have chosen is called sin . And it is. One of many that people struggle with. You can expect the world to change and accept it be ause it has. But dont expect any church that follows the Word to accept that sin any more than the many others the Word mentions: drunkenness, adultery, lying, stealing, lust, … The church is struggling From not repenting and turning from the sin within itself The Word is very clear as to what is called sin. Some folks just dont wanna be told what they are doing is wrong.

  15. Terry says:

    I’m one of those no name SBC pastors spoken of in this article. The bi-Vocational servant who serves from a heart calling. I’m curious to see what shape, if any, this will take. Can the big SBC machine be humbled?

    1. Dennis J Smith says:

      Terry it seems to get worse after each convention. stopped going when I witnessed the Orlando charade when 2000 people showed up to vote then left. Biggest scam I have ever seen.

  16. Bravo and amen my brother! Truth cuts like a knife. In the hands of the Great Physician, that cutting brings healing. In the hands of just man, destruction. Thank you for shining His light to dispel the darkness. Thank you Pastor Sam!

  17. Eric says:

    Sam, this is the best response to all the mud slinging , power brokering, position jockeying, side picking that we’ve seen in the past few months.

  18. Dr. Chris King says:

    This is a word of great refreshment in a time of drought and famine. If the SBC hears your prophetic call and follows through, there could be glorious dividends of global proportions. If not, the SBC will go down to the ash heap of history as just another example of the sinful followers of Christ refusing to heed His message, endeavoring to build the kingdom in their own strength. Time alone will disclose the real answer.

  19. Bob Burroughs says:

    Amen and Amen ! Over the years, Southern Baptists have worshipped at the throne of popular and well known men with more charisma than God-ordained leadership. Our false idols are falling and failing!

    1. Rev. Vincent O Gonzalez, Sr. says:

      Glad to know you are making music: composing, teaching, conducting etc. God bless!
      -Vince Gonzalez

  20. Jason Mole says:

    God’s “wrath” is upon us? What happened to the cross of Jesus? If God’s wrath is upon us for this situation then why would it not be for others? The cross become ineffectual.
    Al Mohler’s article was titled with the same word- wrath. And all over social media respected pastors applaud.
    Can someone explain to me why this word keeps floating around? Christ took the wrath of God we deserve on the cross, Jesus took it all.
    Now is God refining, disciplining and pruning us? Obviously yes and we should not stiffen our necks.
    I was taught at one of our seminaries that words matter. Unless I’m off here can we please change our verbiage lest a dying world sees and wonders where is there is hope if the people of God speak/write in such a way.
    I agree with the rest of the article BTW!

    1. Justin Norwood says:

      ^^^What he said! Isn’t funny how we sing songs on Sunday that say “The wrath of God was satisfied” (In Christ Alone), and then 5 mins later the pastor gets up there and says the exact opposite. :eyeroll:

    2. Serving Kids in Japan says:

      So, what did Peter mean when he said, “For it is time for judgment to begin with God’s household”?

    3. Alan Perkinson says:

      I agree Jason Mole. Sam’s article is outstanding. The language used is VITAL. Father God’s allowing us “refining, disciplining and pruning us” is always true. His wrath however needs to be so very carefully used as our defining the situation. God bless Sam and the Bride.

  21. Edward Smatt says:

    I agree but let dig deeper. I have been a SBC pastor for over 25 years .My family and my self have been abused by ungodly deacons and church members, and by the negelect of SBC LEADERS IN THE ASSOCIATIONS,PASTORS AND DENMONIATION LEADERS.I have stories to tell of victories and God loving power and souls saved.

  22. Dana Qualls says:

    Thank you ! This is true for all of us, not just one convention. All of us have become smug followers of certain golden tongued speakers/leaders, not paying any attention to character. You so appropriately used Hosea. We need to hear this message more often and more loudly preached. I love the idea of no speaker but only speakers prostrate in prayer. What an awesome convention that would be! Again, Thank you!

    1. theartist says:

      I SO AGREE DIANA. I have been praying for this for a long time. God indeed does ANSWERS prayer.

  23. Lee Templeton says:

    We must stay true to the Bible, we can be tolerant of people but must reject issues just because they are politically correct if those issues are wrong, Attempting to fit issues that are sinful When acted upon into the doctrine of the church is sin itself, We must defend our beliefs with -t gentleness but we must defend truth, watering down God’s commands will cause disaster for any denomination

  24. Owen Mannin says:

    True of American Christianity in general. May we be Christ followers, beginning with His attribute of humility (Phil. 2:1-18) and pursue God’s perfect will for us (Rom. 12:1-3).

  25. Rev. Vincent O Gonzalez Sr says:

    The SBC has been horribly wrong (since you started the list) in its treatment of the LGBTQ community. I am a former S Baptist minister of music, ordained minister, having served more than 20 years in full time ministry with an additional 15 years in part-time ministry in churches in VA, GA, FL. I am a born again Christian and I believe the Bible is the Word of God. The issues for SBC is not what the Bible says but what you want the Bible to say, picking and choosing a verse here, a verse there to justify one’s already predetermined beliefs.
    I am a gay man, came out when I was 48. I am legally married to another Christian man. We are both deacons in our church and denominaton (PC USA). The SBC is losing young people and their families simply because of the bigotry and judgmental attitudes, and the lack of Christ-centered compassion and understanding. God made me who I am and it’s time, past time, for the church to celebrate the wonderful diversity in all of God’s creation.

    1. Mark says:

      The Bible is very clear on homosexuality. God did not make you a homosexual. He created male and female. Homosexuality is behavior and severely condemned throughout the Bible. If you have a problem with that feel free to take it up with the Author.

      1. Mandy McLean says:

        It’s comments like this that drive people away from churches like yours.

        1. Mark says:

          Sorry, It’s not my position, It’s God’s. We Don’t get to pick and choose. He clearly states that marriage is between one man and 1 woman, and that homosexuality is an abomination. No ambiguity exists. This is not about growing a church organization but hearing and obeying God’s Word.

          1. Mark says:

            You hold your beliefs and Inhold mine. Both based on faith and interpretation. The Bible represents man’s faithful interpretation and translation of his understanding of God over thousands of years. I have studied scripture all of my life and have studied the writings of hundreds of theologians. My understanding of God’s truth is different than yours. I love my LGBTQ brothers and sisters and that is God’s truth to me.

          2. Mark says:

            Not about my interpretation. Bible is clear. Don’t love them any less but not condoning behavior. God says it is wrong. Nothing to do with your feelings or interpretation.

          3. Mark says:

            We are not going to agree on this.

      2. Mark says:

        From one Mark to another, which interpretation of the Bible are you following. It is about as clear on homosexuality as it is on slavery, the treatment of women, whether the earth is round or flat, what you are allowed to eat, how to discipline your children, and I can go on and on! Quit focusing on who loves who, and focus on what the Bible is clear on, Love God and love your neighbor. Jesus said all the laws rely on this.

        1. T Parker says:

          How is the Bible clear on the interpretation of the treatment of women–if you are referring to the positions women can hold in the church?

        2. Mark says:

          Interpretation? Sorry, I can read. God’s Word is not ambiguous. Homosexuality is a sin and is never condoned in scripture.

        3. MS says:

          The Bible is much more clear on slavery, actually. It’s staunchly pro, if you prooftext. Inerrancy was thus a very effective tool to defend the practice for decades.

      3. Jay says:

        Homosexuality has been a convenient thing to demonize by Evangelicals for a long time. Of course, the reality is that Evangelicals cherry pick the Bible worse than anyone, and the ones most vocal about homosexuality typically use it to distract from their own their own sins of adultery, child molestation, etc. Jesus spends most of his time talking about money and never mentions homosexuality. But, of course, Evangelicals never seem to care what he did or didn’t say. They’ve established their own brand of Christianity that is virtually indistinguishable from the Republican Party these days. It’s all about empty patriotism, capitalism at all costs, etc. Evangelicals can’t ever give up the fight against the LGBT community because if they did, they might actually have to look themselves in the mirror and acknowledge their own sins for once.

        1. Mark says:

          I hope you free yourself from the sin of homosexuality.

          1. Mark says:

            Mark, I pray you free yourself from the sun if Homophobia.

          2. Mark says:

            “Phobia” denotes fear. I don’t fear it, simply see it for what it is: behavior & a poor choice that produces correlating consequencs. Hope you turn from this abhorrent behavior

        2. David says:

          Such a true statement about Evangelicalism. Sold out to capitalism, Republicanism, patriotism, xenophobia, and confident racism. Really wonder where Christ would fit were he to manifest a physical presence. I truly am concerned that the message of love and redemptive power has been co-opted by the love of political power. May the presence of the Risen Christ inform and lead us into His love and mercy.

    2. Tracy Allen says:

      Well, GOD meant what HE said & HE said what he meant. HIS warnings are loving AND clear. Romans 1:26-28 & 1 Timothy 1:8-11, to list a few. GOD’s Word is Truth, regardless of how we choose to live. We all will stand before the Throne & a lot us are going to be shocked beyond comprehension. Yes, we must extend Grace, but wrong living-according to GOD’s Word-is wrong living. There’s no debate.

    3. Cynthia Voortman says:

      Had to read through the comments hopeful someone addressed this – it is the logical next “sin” in the slavery, civil rights, misogyny…
      Ready for this too, or is this for the next repentance in 30 years?
      Cheers to what he addressed. A glaring hole remains.

  26. Susan Abner says:

    So very true Sam. Thanks for being bold about what many Christians are thinking. We need to humble ourselves before the LORD before He humbles is.

  27. Donna Curran says:

    Thank you Sam! May God bless you and guide you continually and give you strength and courage.

  28. Vincent Gimmelli says:

    Well, the question now arises what will or how will Rainer, Moore, etc do to help facilitate such change?

  29. Tom R says:

    Very well said.

  30. Frank says:

    Jesus is coming soon and the only thing we should be focused on, just as Paul exemplified, is Jesus Christ and him crucified. Sacrifice is more than just giving something of our own to another, it is laying down everything we are for the good of the Body of Christ. All of us should be saved in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen

  31. Greg Norton says:

    Wow! What great insight. This is truth and I pray we could see a real move of God not only in the SBC but in every church. Thanks Sam!!

  32. Robert MYERS says:

    This applies to so much of evangelicalism, we valued doctrine to the extreme, and while others made the opposite mistake, we stopped learning from areas we needed them to stay balanced, grounded, and real.

  33. Linda Ritterbush says:

    Respectfully: you do not need women as heroes, you need them as equals. Women have been wounded literally, professionally, and spiritually in part because they have no voice, or little voice, in your seminaries and pulpits. Every institution, from the RC church to Penn State athletics to USC medicine, gets in trouble in part because women are not part of the thinking or the oversight. Jesus empowered women, the Holy Spirit endorsed women, Paul “co-worked” with women. Go thou and do likewise.

  34. Dan Blair says:

    It seems that too much of American Evangelicalism has forgotten the words of Jesus himself. What did Jesus say would be the identifying characteristics of his followers? Jesus said this, “by this they will know that you are my disciples, that you love one another.” It is true that we should know what we believe and be able to articulate it, but doctrine amounts to little if we don’t know how to love each other.

  35. Steve McClatchy says:

    I am reminded of giants in the faith like Lilly Bergin faithfully serving the less fortunate in Arlington Texas wee into her 80’s after serving on the mission field. Those are the leaders we need. I also long for the day the church is a place of refuge for those struggling with mental illness.

    1. Temple says:

      Her name is Tillie Burgin, and she is still going strong, beginning each day at MissionArlington at 4:00 A.M. and continuing to work long after others have gone home for dinner.

      1. Sherri says:

        Served with her at Mission Arlington just last summer. She is an awesome lady!

  36. Gastymar says:

    Thank you for your contribution to the discussion. Hispanics is another group of believers who have stuck with the SBC despite being frequently insulted at our main annual gathering. I have had the honor and privilege of pastoring several hundreds of these who Our Father calls His children while thousands of our fellow (?) Baptists call criminals because of their immigration status.

  37. Mark Perko says:

    Thank you for this. I am in my 26th year as a pastor, serving medium to small sized congregations. I attend the annual meeting every year. I used to look forward to sitting in the pastor’s conference and convention with my bible, notebook, and a cup of coffee. Now, I still go, will be there next week, but I am concerned. When I see SBC leadership walking around with body guards, personal assistants, etc and limousines whisking them to and fro, I feel like I am at a national political convention. Has anyone noticed besides me, the lack of protesters outside the convention area the past few years? Do we not even scare Satan enough anymore that even protesters are staying home? Even the John the Baptist vegetarian guy has gone MIA. Just my opinions.

    1. Jo McLain says:

      Lack of protesters? I think this year will be different: https://www.forsuchatimeasthisrally.com/

  38. Jo McLain says:

    Amen! Well said. I and three of my childhood friends were victims of sexual abuse at ages 14 to 16 by the pastor of my home SBC church in Tennessee. Spring of 1980. He “apologized” and asked for instant forgiveness – said he’d never do it again. His wife feared greatly for her life that WE girls would “ruin” HER life if we turned him into law enforcement. Said he was all she had and being a preacher’s wife was her lifelong dream, so she/he begged us not to report him. We “forgave” and tried to forget. They told us it was the Christian thing to do. It’s impossible to forgive and forget. I never forgave and certainly never forgot and I never will. I told our youth minister. He kept it quiet, never reported. Told second youth minister many years later. He never reported it either once I told him about it. I wanted to report this so-called pastor. Still do. He continued re-offending for years and continued the abuse with my best friend (who he began abusing her at age 14). His wife knew. She chooses to “forgive” him and stayed with that so-called man. He’s not a man. No man acts like he does and gets away with it. They’re old now. I hope she’s happy with him…(not!). I’ve been in therapy for past 11 years. I’ll be in therapy for the rest of my life. I pray God’s vengeance pours out in all it’s fury on the Southern Baptist Convention. It’s way past time.

    1. A L Moseley says:

      I am so sorry you went through this. Too many have not had justice in this life, but I believe will have it in the after. It is one of the hardest things to overcome. I know many people that have been abused. Through God’s resurrection power, I hope you can find healing and wholeness as many have. As hard as it is, painful and difficult, we have to do our part for moving forward. If we do not release these people to God and forgive them, it will only eat us up and we will continue to suffer while they move forward. Satan wants to steal our destiny. Please seek support to be victorious in this battle. I went through Celebrate Recovery as well as victim support groups (ironically at a SBC seminary) and private counseling (at SBC churches). All were a part of my healing but mainly I had to choose to walk out God’s word which is difficult, but necessary to be victorious. Blessings on your journey.

  39. GC says:

    Thank you so much for this. As a Christian and a Southerner, I’ve been watching the arrogance, celebrity worship, mysogyny, and selective focus on certain sins in the SBC for years, and frankly have been shocked by it. Now to hear and read the stories of those who have been abused by predators and then abused again by their SBC “leaders” is almost too much to comprehend. I hope that the denomination’s “leaders” will read what you have to say and take it to heart, but I’m not optimistic. What I’ve seen from them on social media in recent weeks seems to be either “be quiet and read your Bible and pray” or “I’m so heartbroken. I never saw this coming.” In the first case they’re trying to regain control of the narrative (sorry, guys, but I don’t think that’s going to happen), and in the second very powerful men are trying to plead ignorance (sorry, but I don’t think anyone believes that).

  40. Jimmy Crosby says:

    Wow….a good word. This will be my first SBC Convention. If I see you I will be one of those strangers who walks up to “shake your hand”.

  41. Jeni says:

    We must also remember one of the largest SBC churches, Prestonwood, helmed by Jack Graham, created last year’s SBC Annual meeting controversy by threatening to withhold over a million dollars CP money because he was “mad” that Russell Moore wasn’t being obsequious enough towards Graham’s primary object of worship, Donald J Trump.

    Please don’t overlook how SBC’s largest celebrity pastors like Graham and Robert Jeffress fawning over an unethical, immoral leader are making the public at large question and even disdain the entire SBC. We can’t all help but see how Graham & Jeffress are constantly at Trump’s side, composing anthems (try getting that MAGA song out of your head) for someone they claim is one of the greatest and godliest leaders of all time.

    Even without sex scandals being uncovered in droves, that unquenchable lust for political positioning and earthly power brokering has polluted the waters of the SBC. Why would any decent, moral person voluntarily want to convert to SBC at this point in time? Think about what type of people will now be drawn to the current SBC and you can see the future. If you love your kids and fellow man, run!

    1. Elizabeth says:

      How many Southern Baptists will be willing to look at our failure to be gripped by the holiness of God on his throne while our attention and loyalty is with a man with unclean lips, a president quite unlike any other in the White House of our land. Will we as SBC churches excuse his immorality by continuing to align ourselves with this president?

      1. T Parker says:

        Sadly, I think the SBC’s answer will be yes.

  42. Tade Ipadeola says:

    Finally, someone addresses the heart of the matter.

  43. Albert Pickett says:

    One glaring SBC need… WOMEN in the pulpit. Why are you so late to the reality?
    If you don’t open your ministry to women, thinking women will vote with their feet. They will leave.

    1. Ronald Henry says:

      It amazes me that women stay in churches (SBC, Catholic, etc.) that put them on a “pedestal” and keep them there, so they will actually have nothing of import to say. I know, “equal” roles, just “different.” Sorry, we all know what that means. Thankfully I left the SBC eons ago. I was abused. Not sexually. No, as a child I went to bed every night afraid I would go to hell because I as sincerely as I tried to give my life to Jesus, I couldn’t “get” the experience I heard my elders talking about. And the hell-fire damnation evangelists shouted, “your’e saved or your’e not, and you KNOW it!” And then would add that if Jesus comes tonight, or if you die tonight, you will die and go to hell. This is no exaggeration. It is child abuse of the worst kind. And if you think my experience was unique–no I’ve known many others just like me in this regard.

      1. Christy Trimarchi says:

        Same! That is why I stay far away from it now that I am an adult and recognize and understand that is was abuse.

      2. Amy says:

        Same here, Ron. There was no loving, patient, forgiving, merciful, full-of-grace God in my SBC upbringing. I was taught in church and then again at home that he was wrathful, vengeful, judgemental, and condeming, and that we needed to cling to him and be certain every minute that we were truly “saved.” So glad I am learning more about God as love itself now–far away from the damage of the SBC.

  44. James Story says:

    I think you displayed our biggest issue as this post was lacking in the Word of God! To many opinions from man and not enough from God is our dilemma! Also the idea of leaving the pulpit empty is scary because 1st Corinthians 1:21 alone shows that God has chosen preaching as his avenue not appeasing the world, James 4:4 . No offense intended, edification only. Let’s let God tell us what to do!

  45. Ecclesiastes says:

    I’m a black man and I don’t claim to know much at all, but I can make sense of what I see. The Bible says that “But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellency of the power may be of God, and not of us.” 2 Corinthians 4:7. These elevated places of power will continue to facilitate the corruption we’re prone to. Not just IF we’re not fully given to the Spirit’s leading, but WHEN we’re not fully given. There’s still a pride and arrogance that comes along with feelings of “we’ve got it all figured out” rather than exuding the meek and lowly heart attitude of our Savior.

  46. Matt says:

    I don’t know what this article even means. I mean I get it. I agree with it to some degree but and there were good points made here and there I agree with. But I have no clue what it’s actually talking about. What social issues are trying to be adresssd here without addressing them? Come out and say it. If this is talking about abused women? I totally agre they need to be heard and sins need to be repented of.. sin always needs to be repented of. But what sins is he talking about?

  47. Tracy Allen says:

    Well, GOD meant what HE said & HE said what he meant. HIS warnings are loving AND clear. Romans 1:26-28 & 1 Timothy 1:8-11, to list a few. GOD’s Word is Truth, regardless of how we choose to live. We all will stand before the Throne & a lot us are going to be shocked beyond comprehension. Yes, we must extend Grace, but wrong living-according to GOD’s Word-is wrong living. There’s no debate.

  48. Matthew Wright says:

    I agree with this article. I can say that I am aware of two GOD called men who still stand in the pulpit and preach the bible without compromise – Rev Dr. Anthony (Tony) Carson, pastor, First Baptist church in Sonora, KY and Rev. Dr. Chad Keck, Pastor, First Baptist Church of Kettering, OH. These men are loving, GOD fearing men who are trying to lead their churches in GOD’s path.

  49. Chuck & Beverly Bass says:

    This is so true… every word! After 50+ yrs in ministry we have watched as pastors spend more time on “me projects” & not God projects! Just because a pastor says the Lord told him to do something does NOT mean that is truly the Lord speaking & not just the “want & wishes” of the pastor….it is time for the church members to stand up & follow the Lord’s leading not just a pastor!

  50. T Parker says:

    You said:”I led our church to rework our doctrinal statement to include the word inerrancy and make it a requirement for membership.”


  51. Mrs Willie B Henderson Howard says:

    I was raised Southern Baptist . I was Baptized turned my life over to Jesus at 10 years old
    I am now an Orthodox Christian because I just could not continue to believe what the Baptist were telling me
    I have lots of my family and children are still S Baptist. Some of my family is Missionary Baptist. I have learned more about the Bible and history of the Church in the last 10 years than I ever knew. The S Baptist need to teach Christian History and Church History.
    Yes there has been great pastors , preachers that came out of the S Baptist Church because I was exposed and lived served around them.
    I just hope and pray that this mess will not split or bust the Church up. May God bless the leaders of this great organization.

  52. Thank you!

  53. I’m a Baptist, although not a Southern Baptist. Thank you for your honest and integrity. There is hope for the SBC.

  54. Anthony says:

    Southwestern did not handle the Patterson issue biblically, ethically, or legally. It is sad that they moved on hearsay rather than waiting for Southeastern to do their probe. They did the exact same thing that most Southern Baptist whine about the MSM doing. They basically judged a man before they got all of the facts. There is so much wrong with this story from Jonathan Merritt’s article, to Southwestern’s Board of Trustees. I think the SBC’s repentance should start with these people. I’ve only read one article on this that is calling it anywhere close to what it is: Darwin Bullock Southwestern did not handle the Patterson issue biblically, ethically, or legally. It is sad that they moved on hearsay rather than waiting for Southeastern to do their probe. They did the exact same thing that most Southern Baptist whine about the MSM doing. They basically judged a man before they got all of the facts. There is so much wrong with this story from Jonathan Merritt’s article, to Southwestern’s Board of Trustees. I think the SBC’s repentance should start with these people. I have only read one article that is calling this crisis anywhere close to what it is. http://buckykennedyministries.org/hashtag-hell-the…/

    1. Jeff says:

      Anthony, I don’t know all the details, but from what I have read, I agree with you.

  55. Charlie Bass says:

    Great words Sam. Sad to say this state of affairs (excuse the pun) permeates all levels of church life in the SBC.

  56. Franklyn says:

    Winning has become the truth of today, and those that claim victory decides what is true. But the truth of Christ sets us free indeed. There was much truth in your words. I pray Christ truth can take hold in America anew. A truth for all people. Your words are a good start

  57. Doug Rainwater says:

    When scripture is read as it is written, you have to ask, where is the church? What has been written here is the truth and the church needs to pay attention and humble ourselves before God and plead for His mercy for us and our country

  58. Marsha feldman says:

    God Bless you! From your mouth to God’s ears. May it be so.

  59. Charles Mock says:

    As Sam has stated in so many words the message of Dietrich Bonhoeffer in his monumental book, “The Cost of Discipleship”. Bonhoeffer says it better than I can. “Cheap grace is the deadly enemy of our Church….Cheap grace is the preaching of forgiveness without requiring repentance, baptism without church discipline. Communion without confession, absolution without personal confession. Cheap grace is grace without discipleship, grace without the cross, grace with Jesus Christ, living and incarnate.”

  60. J.P. Boyce says:

    Oh brother. Another compromising article written by a southern baptist, non-Calvinist trying to be a hero for women and people of color. Wow. Playing to the grandstands to try and stay “relevant”. You sir are part of a very weak denomination. The conservative resurgence was the best thing that ever happened since the days of Boyce and Manly. It’s time for the Calvinists to break away from the effeminate apologizers and cultural compromisers. Why not just preach the Word instead of focusing on SBC drama. I pity the SBC for poor leadership from top to bottom. Always looking for a scapegoat. Well, you’ve found one in Paige Patterson. Farewell SBC.

  61. MaryAnn Randall says:

    I have thought it would do well for us as individuals, churches and a denomination to ask God which of the 7 churches mentioned in Revelation does He identify us? Or is it a combination. We are called to repent and reminded that He who overcomes will……

  62. ron wilson says:

    Hey Jason
    May I give this a try? I am a Pastor of a small church outside of Nocona, Texas.
    God saves us in THREE STAGES:
    1. From the PENALTY OF SIN – at the moment of belief in Christ and His work on the Cross
    It is my understanding that the WRATH OF GOD is forever removed from us, and placed on Jesus, our substitute 2. From the POWER OF SIN – this is daily through sanctification, and being set apart for service. If we fail here, HIS WRATH can be upon us: correction, discipline, etc. 3 From the PRESENCE OF SIN – this is when we see Him face to face in Heaven. Hope this helps

  63. Roger Naylor says:

    All one has to do is read the comments to this article and see the Biblical illiteracy that plagues our convention.

    1. T Parker says:

      Could you be more specific?

  64. Gary Smith says:

    Thank you for your courage. The larger church needs to hear it as well. It transcends denomination and the time for confession of sins and the need for humbling ourselves before God is upon us.

  65. Every church needs to become broken and repentant. Don’t claim to know all the details but we are a hurting people. Sadly, “hurting people hurt other people.” We need to look in the mirror, into our own hearts and ask God is it me? What do I need to repent of? Where am I lacking? Let’s beg God for a return to personal brokenness and revival.

  66. Matt says:

    Again, the problem with this article as we see in this comment section is that the article addresses NOTHING specific with the exception of the treatment of women in some isolated instances. An article like this is written and everyone interprets it how they want. Some people are automatically associating it with LGBT agenda. And if you disagree with the LGBT agenda you must still be in major need of a personal character change. Because this article addresses nothing specific it seems to be applied to everything.

    1. jerry says:

      What many congregants fail to realize is that the Bible does not even MENTION “homosexuality”, let alone be “clear” on it. In fact, the concept of sexual orientation did not even exist until the last two centuries. Certain same sex behavior (tied to idle worship and prostitution) is definitely addressed in scripture. But not homosexuality.

      In fact, the word “homosexuality” did not even exist before the 19th century, because the concept of orientation was not understood prior. Any Bible you have that includes that word was due to false assumptions made by translators that decided to make blanket statements about gay people, when in fact it simply addresses certain sinful behaviors. This is why more and more Christians are changing their mind on the issue, after deep and prayerful study of scripture. I’m glad I’m one of them. Please pray and stud the scripture on your own, before more and more children live and fear and contemplate suicide in our churches. Forgive us, father.

      1. Mark says:

        Romans 1: 26-27, I Corinthians 6: 9-10. Unbelievable the comments to this article trying to justify homosexuality. Sodom and Gomorrah. There is not a single verse in the Bible supporting any type of homosexuality or God condoning it. Appears there is a concerted effort by certain factions trying to normalize immoral, unnatural BEHAVIOR and have various church organizations accept it. Pathetic

        1. jerry says:

          Sodom and Gomorrah involved rape and orgies– something that would be considered shameful and sinful if it were done by homosexuals or heterosexuals. Sodom did not get destroyed because of “homosexuality”. Again, this concept did not even exist until the last two centuries.

          The Bible is clear why Sodom received God’s judgment:

          “‘Now this was the sin of your sister Sodom: She and her daughters were arrogant, overfed and unconcerned; they did not help the poor and needy.”

          Clear. As. Day.

        2. Jerry says:

          Mark, it’s clear that you do not study the cultural and historical context in which the books of the Bible were written. Do you know anything about the original languages? If so, you’d know that the Bible did not one time address gay people or “homosexuality” in its original manuscripts. There was not even a word used in the original language that remotely ties to gay people.

          Also, Sodom and Gomorrah? Have you even read your Bible? That passage tells of men wanting to rape and have sexual orgies with each other. Says nothing about a loving, commited, monogomous relationship between two people. Again, this is addressing lustful/ sinful behavior, that would still be sinful if were done by straight people.

          Again, the Bible is clear why God judged Sodom.

          “‘Now this was the sin of your sister Sodom: She and her daughters were arrogant, overfed and unconcerned; they did not help the poor and needy.”

          Why are you twisting scripture to justify bigoted comments about LGBT people, people who also need Jesus and are equally created in the image of God?

          If your goal is to increase suicides in the church and drive more people away from God and His love, you’re doing a great job.

          Dear God, please forgive us for our ignorance and hate.

          1. Mark says:

            JERRY, I see your repeated comments attempting to justify homosexuality. 1st, your statements claiming to be factual are wrong. It’s obvious you are a homosexual attempting to justify your immoral, unnatural BEHAVIOR and have it accepted as something normal. There is ZERO biblical basis for homosexuality.. You need to get saved and refrain from your behavioral problems. Please don’t message me with any more of your foolishness.

          2. Cynthia says:

            Actually, Jerry has apparently spent more theological time on this “issue” than most, and my guess is that he’s not gay. I on the other hand am, so bash away. I’ve been a believer in and follower of Jesus all my life. Came close to being swallowed up in the unstudied bias and hatefulness of other Christians. Thank So God for theologians willing to ask hard questions, actually seek scripture, context, culture and the model of Jesus. Please, for the sake of others to fragile to hold on, for those who choose the path of death where Jesus would offer life, if you can’t at least be good, maybe quiet would be kind.
            This has gone down a different rabbit hole maybe than the article, and maybe not…often the most fundamental and judgemental have the most to protect/hide. All that can be shaken will be shaken, and this is a very good thing.

          3. Mark says:

            People can be sincere and sincerely wrong. I am pretty well versed in biblical studies myself. Last time I checked Romans 1:26-27, I Corinthians 6:9-10 are still in the Bible. None of us are perfect and have sinned. Claiming homosexuality is normal, OK, approved by God is simply denial. God is very clear on this subject. The Word never changes. Sidestepping an issue because it might hurt someone’s feelings is not recommended. The network on this thread is obviously rife with homosexuals attempting to justify their behavioral choices. Very sad. Hope you figure out your issues.

          4. Mark P says:

            Mark, last I checked, the most theologians believe that the letters to the Romans and the church in Corinth were from the Apostle Paul. Further, if you go back to the original Greek, the term homosexual didn’t exist and there is much debate by distinguished scholars what the language in these passages was truly referencing. So to say that God is “clear” in these passages is intellectually and spiritually dishonest.

            And, by the way, I am not a homosexual and I am a devoted follower of Jesus. Please take the log out of your own eye and quit trying to condemn my LGBTQ brothers and sisters.

          5. Mark says:

            The behavior described in the verses noted is very clear. Not about terms. Nice try. Not interested in the twisting of terminology in an effort to bypass the obvious in order to justify immoral, unnatural BEHAVIOR. This is not ambiguous. Also not an issue for me. There are ZERO references in the Bible condoning or promoting homosexual acts. Please bother someone else.

          6. Cynthia says:

            Two simple questions to reveal your depth, Sir:

            1. When was the word homosexual coined?
            2. To what, specifically do those verses address?

          7. David M Andrews says:

            I do not believe that the date that the word homosexuality was “coined” has any importance. The Bible says that for a man to lie with another man as he would with a woman is an abomination and it says that for a woman to lie with another woman is an abomination. What it is addressing is crystal clear. It is addressing what we know as homosexuality acts. Go ahead and keep trying. You will never convince me.

          8. Mark says:

            Nice try, “mam.” The verses are clear. Twist all you want. If you have a problem I suggest you take it up with the author. His name is God. BTW the words “gay,” “fag,” “lesbian,” etc also do not appear. Maybe you should try actually reading the scripture rather than distorting to suit your behavioral choices. Genesis tells us we are created male and female. Please push your propaganda elsewhere. Not interested in your foolishness.

          9. Cynthia says:

            Heh heh, you seem ruffled. That’s okay. Nice words for a godly man. I am female, thank you, happily so. That has nothing to do with being gay. But far be it from me…I only pray no one in your close sphere is gay and subject to your cruelty or ever considers God resembles the spirit you breath. Bless you all the same…sincerely. As long as there is breath there’s hope!
            P.S – So, basically, no answer to two simple questions. I’m actually surprised and a little impressed you read the article by Sam – seems it would be out of your ballywick. Good on you!

          10. Mark says:

            Not ruffled, simply shocked that many so-called Christians even entertain such an absurd premise that homosexuality is in any way acceptable in God’s eyes. I know many gay people. I also know many alcoholics, adulterers, liars, etc. Doesn’t change what God says about all of it. For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. Assume you are familiar with that scripture. And yes, I answered your questions. I have a hard time taking someone seriously that makes such bizarre, ridiculous claims. A waste of time. I have no problem having intelligent discourse with sincere, serious individuals. I lose patience rapidly with those who want to do nothing but cause contention.

        3. Serving Kids in Japan says:

          “Sodom and Gomorrah”? What does that even have to do with homosexuality? The men of Sodom weren’t gay — they were depraved and violent. Their attempt to gang rape visitors to their town simply isn’t typical behaviour for gay people. They’re not interested in hurting and raping complete strangers — and for the most part, they want to find love and commitment with someone.

          Connecting the story of Sodom with the crusade against the LGBT community has never made sense to me.

          1. Mark says:

            Nice spin. Not accurate but interesting spin. Maybe you should read the account. Unbelievable the number of people on this site claiming to be Christians while try to justify homosexuality

  67. I can’t imagine anyone questioning the need for repentance on the part of all of us. At the same time, we must be very careful of “assuming facts not in evidence.” I have not seen irrefutable facts that Paige Patterson is guilty of the accusations. While this article doesn’t use his name, it certainly seems to include him with those who led in the conservative resurgence but who are flawed in character. Sam, I appreciate the call for repentance, and I join with you in that, but I think clarity at this point is essential. It could be that as a convention, we may eventually be having to repent of assuming facts that proved to be false. None of us can survive accusations assumed to be true without adequate proof.

  68. David M. Andrews says:

    AMEN Brother, you are spot on!

  69. jason says:

    The SBC has been horrible to gay people, people made in the image of God just like the rest of us. Jesus said by the fruit we will know them, and yet this”theology” which grossly misinterprets scripture to neglect gay people has led to tremendous despair, lifelong loneliness, and even suicide WITHIN the church. It’s turning people away from God. How is this a good thing?

    In fact, gay kids who grow up in un-affirming households or churches are more than 8 times as likely to commit suicide. Eight.

    We need to repent and welcome God’s children back to his house, before more people die and more people run from God. They need Christian community just like the rest of us.

  70. Jerry says:

    What many congregants fail to realize is that the Bible does not even MENTION “homosexuality”, let alone be “clear” on it. In fact, the concept of sexual orientation did not even exist until the last two centuries. Certain same sex behavior (tied to idle worship and prostitution) is definitely addressed in scripture. But not homosexuality.

    In fact, the word “homosexuality” did not even exist before the 19th century, because the concept of orientation was not understood prior. Any Bible you have that includes that word was due to false assumptions made by translators that decided to make blanket statements about gay people, when in fact it simply addresses certain sinful behaviors. This is why more and more Christians are changing their mind on the issue, after deep and prayerful study of scripture. I’m glad I’m one of them. Please pray and stud the scripture on your own, before more and more children live and fear and contemplate suicide in our churches. Forgive us, father.

  71. Annette C. says:

    What bothers me about this article is the slavery comment. Maybe I misunderstood, but, why should I be responsible for what a few of my ancestors did? I’m sorry that slavery happened, but I will not feel guilty for what I did not do!

    1. Cynthia says:

      Historical context at least. Chill.

    2. Monroe says:

      Because of who supported it at the time

  72. Monroe says:

    This is THE Tipping Point for the Convention Prudence over Pride must be demonstrated.
    Hundreds of small church Pastors with admirable Character being hurt by the actions of a few. To say nothing about the faithful members of their flock

  73. Charlene Quint says:

    This article is right on point. Humility and repentance is needed, and hearts that break over what breaks God’s heart – slavery, oppression, sexual assault…these are good starts.

  74. A Nonbeliever says:

    As an non believer with familiarity with Christianity, I will tell you that, from an outsider perspective, y’all look like vile and hypocrital. Lacing in humility or grace. Matthew 7:5 rings loudly in my head when I think or hear an evangelical. It had only form worse in the last 2 years This blog post is, therefore, a refreshing change.

    I have no doubt that you will think otherwise and will likely dismiss this comment as uniformed. And maybe it is, but it really doesn’t matter, for if your mission is to convert nonbelievers, it absolutely, positively incumbent on YOU to set the proper tone before you can directly engage with those outside your community. Instead of emissaries of Christ, what I see are the Pharisee revisited. Think about that….

    I have one advise to y’all: Before you try to heal the world with the word of Christ, heal thyself.

    Heed these words of Pastor Rainer, before it is too late.

  75. I fully concur with you Sam. My thoughts on elevating faithful, unknown pastors in our denomination to lead at a he state and national levels is long overdue. The words of Nathaniel in John 1:46 apply here.

    “Nathanael said to him, “Can anything good come out of Nazareth?” Philip said to him, “Come and see.” – John 1:46”

    What did come From Nazareth was God’s I tended plan for salvation. Perhaps the salvation of the SBC is waiting in the churches of small towns and counties of the nation and around the world. Let us pray for God’s salvation.

  76. Jerry says:

    When it comes to the “issue” of homosexuality, and any other issue, it’s important we study the cultural and historical context in which the books of the Bible were written. We must study the original language so that we better understand what God is saying to us.

    If we do this, we know that the Bible does not one time address gay people or “homosexuality” in its original manuscripts. There was not even a word used in the original language that remotely ties to gay people or those with a same-sex orientation.

    Also, about Sodom and Gomorrah– that passage tells of men wanting to rape and have sexual orgies with each other. Says nothing about a loving, committed, monogamous relationship between two people. Again, this is addressing lustful/ sinful behavior, that would still be sinful if were done by straight people.

    The Bible is clear why God judged Sodom.

    “‘Now this was the sin of your sister Sodom: She and her daughters were arrogant, overfed and unconcerned; they did not help the poor and needy.” Now, they also had many sexual sins, such as rape/orgies/wild lust as mentioned previously. But homosexuality was never mentioned, and the Bible is clear that even these sins were not why they were judged. But because of their arrogance and unconcern for the needy.

    Why are we twisting scripture to justify bigoted comments about LGBT people, people who also need Jesus and Christian community, and are equally created in the image of God?

    Gay children in non-affirming households are more than EIGHT times as likely to commit suicide, than those who are in affirming churches and have supportive family members. Jesus said we will know them by their fruits, and if suicide and atheism is good fruit, then we clearly don’t know Jesus’ heart, nor His love. He said bad fruit can’t come from a good tree, and yet the fruit of this “theology” (death, dispair, loneliness, suicide, atheism) is anything BUT good fruit. Therefore, the theology must be wrong and not of God. It’s that simple.

    If our goal is to increase suicides in the church and drive more people away from God and His love, we’re doing a great job of that in the SBC. If suicides by our Christian children in the church don’t make you think twice about your theology, then God’s love can’t be present.

    Dear God, please forgive us for our ignorance and hate.

  77. Jeremy Slayden says:


    Just leave the Southern Baptists to figure it out and join the ranks of mainline Christians who no longer stand behind outdated denominational lines.

  78. Anon says:

    Sloppy….and it always starts with the word “We”…..

    “we’ve been wrong”
    “We were wrong about slavery”
    “We were wrong about Civil Rights”
    “Now many of us are wrong about the #MeToo movement.”
    “The Southern Baptist Convention has been wrong about horrifying sins.”

    About the only thing that was right in this article:

    “Right now, we’re a dumpster fire, and we keep fueling it with shovels of manure. We’re full of it, and the world is watching.”

    Well….if you don’t want this to continue, my advice to put the fire out is that when you all gather in Dallas for the next convention meeting, vote to disband the Southern Baptist Convention in its entirety. The only people that are responsible for fueling the fire with manure is the people in your seminaries now pushing your liberal/socialist agenda, your pastors in the pulpits who are nothing more than SBC cheerleaders, the garbage that comes out of Lifeway bookstores, and all the other SBC church members who want to be part of the “We”.

    “We need repentance, not excuses. God’s wrath is upon us. Our God is a consuming fire. Excuses will work like tiny strands of straw standing against a raging wildfire. There should be no sermon at this year’s annual convention. Leave the pulpit vacant. Let the room be silent and call the messengers to prostrate themselves in repentance.”

    Please……the “We” are not going to repent. You are going to do the motions like always, have a few proclamations, find someone/scapegoat to blame for your problems and continue the same nonsense as usual.

    “We need humility, not charisma. Our convention has wrongly elevated charisma over humility. The bold leaders with pithy lines tend to get the most attention. It’s time we submit to humility instead of charisma.
    There are thousands of no-name pastors out there faithfully serving the bride of Christ. They get no attention—no book deals, no blog views, no Twitter followers, no positions of power. We need more pedestrian pastors like my wife’s grandfather. He toiled in obscurity among the rolling fields of Kentucky farms, shepherding in poverty without any glory or recognition. He preached the gospel until he died, then was forgotten. Give us more like him.”

    The pastors who have the most “humility’ are the ones who have followed the Biblical doctrine from the start and given up on ever changing the SBC because of the rot inside and have left and taken their congregations altogether. And all the SBC has ever done is chastised them for it, and accused them of the very things that they were not guilty of, which the “We” are. The “We” has no humility, all the “We” wants to do is partner with the world in general and get involved with their movements of sin because the “We” feel sorry for themselves.

    “We need to care about character as much as we do about doctrine. We fought battles over doctrine, and the spoils of war went to power barons who lacked integrity. The conservative resurgence has not even brought about an increase in baptisms, much less revival. Instead, we are now flooded with the moral failures of former foot soldiers.

    God is purging us. We need a new era—one defined by character as much as doctrine. Before you label me with assumptions, let me say I’m neither a liberal nor part of any Calvinist conspiracy. I led our church to rework our doctrinal statement to include the word inerrancy and make it a requirement for membership. And I’m a happy three-pointer who can make friends with just about anyone along the sliding scale of Reformed theology.”

    The “We” cannot have a character at all unless its first shaped by Biblical doctrine. The “We” do not need a new era, they already have one, right here, right now, the same one they have had for the last 2,000 years. As for your doctrinal statement at your church, you can start by throwing that Baptist Faith and Message into the dumpster fire, be a pastor and write the statement yourself per Biblical doctrine, and put it online for the all to see.

    “We need new earthly heroes. We have our heavenly Hero. Jesus is turning our tables of power right now. He’s driving out some of us with a whip of cords. The supreme place is for Jesus, and He will take it one way or the other. But we also need some new earthly heroes. How about the courageous women who have come forward to share their stories of abuse? How about the people of color who have stuck with us despite our gross legacy of slavery and racism? They are the true heroes of the SBC.”

    Jesus is not driving anyone out of the SBC with a whip of cords. The SBC as the “We” is doing that themselves and doing a great job. They will certainly even abort the innocent, just to appease the world. There are no “true heroes” of the SBC, only the ones you parade as victims because again, of the “We’s” sin, because they were not smart enough to stand against the “We’s” manipulation.

    “The good Lord may just rip us apart to heal us.”

    The good Lord is not going to rip you apart, the “We” have already done that and the “We” can complete that work when you meet in Dallas.

  79. Ken says:

    If the recent smear campaign against Paige Patterson is what the #MeToo movement is all about, I want no part of it. I don’t know who’s right or who’s wrong in this dispute, but many people chose to shoot first and ask questions later. Resurrecting the tactics of a lynch mob is not my idea of “social justice”. It is the very antithesis of justice.

  80. This is very true! The church needs repentance and getting back to the gospel. Not bigger churches and salaries but we do need more people coming to repentance and coming to Jesus. God has not abandoned us but we have created our own “god” in our image and that needs to stop!

    1. David Andrews says:

      Amen Gordon, you are absolutely correct!

  81. Shane Webb says:

    Unfortunately, until the generation of racists that control every deacon vote in the church die out, nothing will change. Every opposition from those wishing to bring change in the church, dramatically threatens the comfortability of those that lead the church as we know it. Your article is exactly correct, in every aspect, and unfortunately nothing will come about the fire brewing until God decides to let the fire tear the whole thing down. What a beautiful, welcoming sight it will be to watch God eradicate the “churches” from America, so that the Church can rise from the ashes and fulfill the great commission as it was intended, for God’s power and glory, and not that of man.

  82. Pastor Willie Alfonso says:

    In the same way that we held President Clinton to hi Godly standards and The way we held President Obama two hi Godly standards we must I repeat we must hold president Donald Trump to godly standards we need to stop giving him a free pass and being his enabler

    1. Pat Orrick says:

      There is a chilling illustration about people complaining because the ropes burned their wrists — on their way to the guilotiene.
      If we continue to argue about things that take up our time – and usually our bad manners we are not looking very straight at the integrity it will take to quit arguing about unimportant things. If you want to argue about The Bible being inerrant we are arguing about our Faith itself. Not The Bible. Our Faith Is Where The Bible Connects Us To God.
      If you want to argue about gay people you can hurt their feelings but not likely to change their mind. If you don’t get off the list of things that are not the focus of The Saviour and His purpose, on this earth you are probably arguing about something to make You feel good that really isn’t very important. It doesn’t matter if You are right about your argument if it is not the Faith that Saves Your Soul. Hundreds of thousands of People trying to be Christians have been damaged by the Southern Baptist Convention since the awful embarrassment of the SBC in 1979 in Houston. To Work Together For Those Who Loved The Lord —–was wiped away. The “Christian World learned a lesson in “”:Control”” — but No lessons about Christ. SHUT UP AND THINK ABOUT WHAT IS BEING SAID. ONE OF THE MOST POWERFUL LESSONS ABOUT CONSCIENCE AND MOTIVATION HEBREWS 12 – 1 HOW BIG IS A CLOUD???

  83. wesmorgan1 says:

    Do you extend the rhetorical ‘dumpster fire’ to the SBC’s over-involvement in politics?

    Let’s remember that our statement of faith says, in part, “The church should not resort to the civil power to carry on its work. The gospel of Christ contemplates spiritual means alone for the pursuit of its ends”, yet we welcome a Vice President to deliver a partisan political screed at the Convention?

    That same statement of faith says, “Civil government being ordained of God, it is the duty of Christians to render loyal obedience thereto in all things not contrary to the revealed will of God.” Now, that would seem to suggest that government CAN do things contrary to God’s will – and I think we’d all agree on that point – but yet a prominent SBC pastor states that it is “morally inexcusable” not to vote for a particular candidate, and (later) that God has granted this Administration “the authority to do whatever”…and there isn’t a whisper of rebuke to be heard?

    Years ago, a very wise pastor said (from our pulpit just before an Election Day), “I believe that Church and State must remain separate, for the alternative only corrupts the Church and weakens the State.” Sadly, I believe that his words have been proven accurate.

    Imagine if every SBC church/pastor that focuses on voter guides, political rallies, and photo ops had, instead, devoted those resources to local missions work and evangelism in their own communities…

    1. Pete says:

      Good words!

  84. John LaCarter says:

    Thank you so much for perfectly articulating what has been on my heart for a very long time. You hit the nail on the head. Someone needs to nail this to the doors of many Baptist churches.

  85. Jason Snyder says:

    Sam, we went to church together back in the Springdale days, I was a student of your father’s. I am a church planter in Bloomington, Indiana, and wrote a song from Hosea 6 around the time you posted this article. I never got around to recording and sharing it until now, but I wanted to swing back by and post it for you. May Hosea chapter 6 ring true. https://fxverse.bandcamp.com/track/torn

  86. Dennis Richardson says:

    The SBC needs to cease to exist. It is APOSTATE.

  87. Dennis Richardson says:

    The Baptist church I was a member of Converge, brought a new pastor in who admires JD Greear. I left. I cannot stand the SBC that Billy Graham miss lead very badly. Graham had NO biblical education whatsoever. He was a moron. He was controlled by FREEMASONS.

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