Thursday Threes: May 4, 2017
Sam Rainer
Three notable articles I read this week:
Jenny Funderburke – What if my kid doesn’t have any friends at church? “Friendships between kids can be challenging regardless, but church is a different dynamic because of the limited amount of time kids spend there each week. It can be hard to make significant friendships in an hour or two a week. There are, however, things that you and I can do as parents that can better or even worsen the situation.”
Daniel Darling – Some thoughts on writers and platform. Dan offers a great perspective on how Christian writers can think about and utilize a “platform.”
Ed Stetzer – If it doesn’t stem its decline, mainline Protestantism has just 23 Easters left. “The news of mainline Protestantism’s decline is hardly new. Yet the trend lines are showing a trajectory toward zero in both those who attend a mainline church regularly and those who identify with a mainline denomination 23 years from now. While the sky isn’t falling, the floor is dropping out.”