Thursday Threes: February 2, 2017
Sam Rainer
Three notable articles I read this week:
Eric Geiger – 6 types of “dangerous charisma.” Charismatic leadership can be powerful, but it’s also dangerous.
Michael Kelley – 2 reasons why we should keep using the word “saved.” “There has been, I think, in the last several years, an implicit effort to ‘update’ some of the language of the church. That’s all well and good, I suppose, but the danger in updating language like this is that you start to lose the sense of what words like these are meant to communicate. So at least in this case, I think there are two compelling reasons why we, as Christians, should keep using the word ‘saved.’”
Trevin Wax – Three cautions for Christians who download sermon podcasts. “There is no way to capture all of a sermon’s power in a soundbite or through audio recording. As much as we might benefit from these technologies, we cannot replace (nor should we try) the preaching event itself. A podcast is not a pastor.”