Est.Church Podcast: Lessons Learned

Sam Rainer
In this week’s episode, we discuss some of the lessons we’ve learned pastoring established churches.
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I want to thank Preacher Sam for leading the church in prayer for our election and our future last Sunday I wanted to do that so bad and was so happy when you called us forward to pray. I truly feel that God is in control of this country now like he has not been in a long time. I am so happy I can’t stand myself and I keep thanking God continually for blessing our nation with God-fearing men. I tried not to be afraid of what might be but I couldn’t help it. I read when Donald Trump excepted Jesus and I went to see him in Sarasota and he mentioned over and over that he was just the messenger which spoke dearly to my heart. We can now keep our pledge, our flag and in God we trust. I pray in time we will all come together as a nation matter who people voted for and more people will come to know Jesus. I’m so excited . I keep playing Lee Greenwood song over and over I’m proud to be an American and my heart swells with happiness and my eyes filled with tears. Thank you Jesus for your blessings