Ten Things I Love about West Bradenton

Sam Rainer
Everyone needs to hear the words “I love you.” I tell my wife and my children all the time. The phrase is more than trite acknowledgement. It’s consistent assurance I will stick to my covenantal commitment in the relationship. Churches are no different. They need to hear “I love you” from their pastors regularly.
Here are ten things I love about my church. These items are not the only things I love, just what strikes me as I write this week.
- Encouragement. I receive a constant stream of genuine encouragement from my church. If you attend our church any amount of time, I’m sure you’ll receive it too. My church is not afraid of the hard discussions, so this encouragement is not superficial or gushy. It’s deeply rooted in our culture and straight from the Holy Spirit.
- Multiple generations. When you throw four or five generations together, tensions often surface. It’s understandable. The life issues and preferences of a 90 year-old are quite different than of a 10 year-old. A multi-generational church works when the older generations sacrifice for the younger generations. Our multi-generational body works well together. I believe it’s because of the flexibility of our older congregants. Their willingness to give up personal preferences is an example of sacrifice.
- Two languages. When our staff prays on Sunday morning, two languages are spoken—Spanish and English. Thankfully, God understands both. It’s beautiful. Both languages are spoken on our campus every time we gather.
- Growing diversity. The vast majority of the growth in our community comes from young Hispanics and other minorities. Our children’s ministry and student ministry are becoming multi-ethnic. I’m thankful my young children will grow up in an environment where they will get an understanding of panta ta ethne from their own church.
- Staff. I love my staff. We’re an odd bunch, and I’m the worst offender. I enjoy serving with each of them every day.
- Laughter. Committee meetings at West Bradenton have way more laughs than grumblings. We love it that way.
- Confession of sins. I’ve been in several settings at my church where there was confession of sin. True repentance and confession are—unfortunately—rare occurrences in the American church. Not here.
- High view of Scripture. People at West Bradenton love the inerrant, inspired, infallible, authoritative, sufficient Word of God. This reason alone is enough to have a deep love for my church.
- High view of church membership. We hold our members to high expectations. I’m thankful my church not only has a high view of Scripture but also a high view of church membership.
- Mauve carpet. Our worship space has a special color of carpet. Apparently, it’s been around so long it’s become legendary, to the point that people around here call the color mauve “West Bradenton Plum.” We’re working on new carpet. It’s time. Of course, whoever picked it out a generation ago did an awesome job. We certainly got our money out of it. But for now, the carpet reminds me that we never arrive as a church. We’re not the biggest, baddest, latest, greatest, super church. There’s always something we can do better. And I love that.
Pastors, don’t assume your church feels loved. You need to tell your church you love them. Do it this week. Write something in the newsletter. Make a phone call or two. Tell them from the pulpit.
I love you, West Bradenton. I’m honored to be your pastor.
West Bradenton loves you and your family too!! After reading your 10 points it is apparent why- you get us!!! These points were profound and are exactly why God has chosen you to shepherd us as cast vision for the future. Vision casting starts with gratitude to God for what He has given us. It is out of our strengths that we move forward. I sense excitement in the air and it is contagious! KEEP WALKIN WBBC!
Thank you Sue!
The former church I left was the way your church is and we sure do miss it. But my wife and I believe that God brought us to this church we are at now for a reason. It is a totally different situation here. For many the pastor is the hired hand and is expected to be all things to all people.