Thursday Threes: May 26, 2016

Sam Rainer
Three notable articles I read this week:
Mike Harland – Three ways worship shapes discipleship. “It was then I realized that music was not my message—it was only my language and that God had called me to do a lot more than warm up the congregation for the pastor’s message. I was called to use the powerful tool of music to be engaged in the disciple-making commission that Jesus left His church.”
Josh King – Church revitalization: Changing the question. Rather than asking, “What needs to change?” what if revitalizers were to ask, “What will it take to bring vitality back to this congregation?”
Casey Lewis – 10 reasons why the church gathers. “As Christians, we should all desire to gather together with one another as often as possible. As motivation, here are ten reasons why gathering regularly with the church is important.”
Three people worth following:
Three leadership transitions are worth noting this week.
Adam Wright. The Dallas Baptist University Board of Trustees selected Dr. Adam C. Wright of Dallas, Texas, as president on Thursday, May 19. Also of note, he is the chair for my dissertation committee. Time to finish that thing… You can connect with Dr. Wright on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.
Micah Fries. Last Sunday, the pastor search team from Brainerd Baptist Church in Chattanooga, TN shared with their church that they have invited Micah to preach in view of a call as their next senior pastor. You can connect with Micah at his website, or on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.
Noe Garcia. Noe is the new senior pastor at North Phoenix Baptist Church. You can connect with Noe on Twitter and Facebook.