Thursday Threes: May 19, 2016

Sam Rainer

May 19, 2016

Three notable articles I read this week:

Ed StetzerExcited to be heading to Wheaton College and the Billy Graham Center. Ed is leaving LifeWay and headed to Wheaton in Chicago. He’s been a great friend to me and my family over the years. If you don’t follow him, then you should.

Pew Research CenterMillennials match Baby Boomers as largest generation in U.S. electorate, but will they vote? “Millennials, who already have surpassed Baby Boomers as the United States’ largest living generation, now have caught up to the Boomers when it comes to their share of the American electorate.”

Washington PostAnother possible benefit of going to church: A 33 percent chance of living longer. “A new study, released Monday in a journal published by the American Medical Association, says that those who attend church services more often actually have a better chance of staying alive in the long run.”

Three people worth following:

Pastors of mid-sized churches, with 200 to 800 in average attendance, don’t often get the same attention as pastors of much larger churches. It’s unfortunate, since there are many churches this size. Below are three pastors of mid-sized churches you should follow.

Rob Pochek. Rob is the senior pastor at FBC Park Street in Charlottesville, VA. You can connect with him on Facebook, Twitter, or his blog.

Jon Akin. Jon is the senior pastor at Fairview Church in Lebanon, TN. You can connect with him on Facebook, Twitter, or at Baptist21.

Chris Bonts. Chris is the senior pastor at Harvest Bible Chapel in Jupiter, FL. You can connect with him on Facebook or Twitter. His book, How to Survive a Difficult Pastorate, is also a good read.


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