Thursday Threes: April 28, 2016

Sam Rainer
Three notable articles I read this week:
Pew Research Center – Millennials overtake Baby Boomers as America’s largest generation. We knew it was coming. It’s now official.
The Telegraph – Bright flash of light marks incredible moment life begins when sperm meets egg. Life and light are inextricably linked, even at the moment of conception.
Mark Byrnes – When art photography and old baseball cards collide. I enjoy art; I collect baseball cards. Baseball cards as art? Yes!
Three leadership books worth reading:
These three books are among the most influential leadership books I’ve read. When it comes to church operations and managing people, these three works have helped me immensely.
Followership by Kellerman. There are five types of followers. This book will help you understand why some people in your church are passionate about your vision and others are not.
Reframing Organizations by Bolman and Deal. When leading an organization like the church, there are different ways—or frames—of examining why people react. The ability to view different situations through different frames is one of the more valuable leadership tools I’ve learned.
Leadership without Easy Answers by Heifetz. Don’t wear a leadership straight jacket. This book will help you understand how to get others to solve their own problems.