Thursday Threes: March 3, 2016

Sam Rainer

March 3, 2016


Three notable articles I read this week:

Chris MartinThe memification of life is destroying civil discourse. “Our echo chambers have created an environment in which we can share insulting, inaccurate content and be applauded, not criticized for it. As a result, when we’re required to interact with those with whom we disagree in the workplace or at family events, we overheat and don’t know how to handle ourselves.”

Hershael YorkThe case for an exegetical sermon series. “The Bible could have been arranged topically, chronologically, or proverbially, but it was arranged in books that address particular situations in specific contexts.”

Todd AdkinsLeadership pipeline part 1: Why developing leaders is so crucial. “With the majority of church leaders indicating conviction regarding the importance of leadership development, why are so few actually doing it?” Todd offers an excellent answer to this question.


Three people worth following:

Lead pastors and worship pastors must have a strong bond. At most churches, they share the platform every week and in every worship service. People will feel tension between a senior pastor and worship pastor, even if they are not overtly aware of the conflict. When the relationship is healthy between the two, the church worships better. Below are three of my favorite worship pastors. You should follow them.

Jordan Richmond. Jordan serves and the music and worship minister at Idlewild Baptist Church in Lutz, FL. You can connect with Jordan through his website, via Twitter, and on Instagram. His latest book is also a great resource on church worship.

Julio Arriola. Julio serves as global worship pastor at Cross Church in Northwest AR. You can connect with Julio through Facebook and Twitter.

Mike Harland. Mike serves as director of LifeWay Worship in Nashville, TN. You can connect with Mike through Twitter and Facebook, as well as at WorshipLife.

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