Thursday Threes: March 10, 2016

Sam Rainer
Three notable articles I read this week:
Trevin Wax – Small vs. big churches: The family feud we all lose. You probably heard about Andy Stanley’s comments on small churches. Trevin weighs in with wisdom and balance.
Joe Thorn – How I prepare a sermon. “If you can’t prepare a good sermon in 10 hours you’re definitely doing it wrong.” Got your attention? Read the article. I always appreciate Joe’s thoughts.
Tony Morgan – Six ways good pastors make bad hiring decisions. “It’s hard to be 100% sure every time you make a job offer. But you can take intentional steps to avoid some common mistakes. Consider these 6 ways churches make hires they regret.”
Three people worth following:
Some people call me a young(er) pastor. I just turned 36, so I’m at an age where “young” is relative. Teenagers think I’m old. People in their 60s think I’m young. Regardless of your perspective on age, I have three young(er) peers you should follow. All three of these guys lead established churches, and they are seeing God do great things. You can learn from them.
H.B. Charles Jr. H.B. serves as pastor-teacher at the Shiloh Metropolitan Baptist Church of Jacksonville, Florida. You can connect with H.B. through his website and via Twitter. Make sure to read his bio on the website. You’ll love what “H.B.” stands for. Also, the story of how his church merged with another congregation is incredibly powerful.
Matt Crawford. Matt serves as senior pastor at First Baptist Church Sebring, FL. You can connect with Matt through his blog and Twitter. Matt also earned a PhD in Philosophy, so he’ll be glad to answer those probing questions of ontology and epistemology haunting your soul.
Josh King. Josh serves as lead pastor at Sachse’s Church in the Dallas, TX area. I had the honor of preaching at his church last summer, and I had to ask him 82 times how to pronounce the name of his church and community. You can connect with Josh through Twitter. Josh is also notable because he is one of the few still using Google+ on a regular basis.