Thursday Threes: February 18, 2016

Sam Rainer
Three notable articles I read this week:
Ronnie Floyd – Insecurity: Pastors, church leaders, and churches. “Some of the whiniest people I know are ministers. It also happens that pastors are some of the most insecure people I know. The two often go together.” Ronnie gives helpful tips for identifying the signs of and solutions to insecurity.
Jason K. Allen – The one gift every pastor must have. “There are a thousand ways a minister can serve the church, but he has one indispensable and nonnegotiable responsibility—to preach and teach the Word of God.”
Corey Kilgannon – And then there were four: Phone booths saved on the Upper West Side sidewalks. Only four walk-in phone booths remain in New York City. Here is their story.
Three people worth following:
These three Baptist historians offer excellent insights on how the church can learn today from her past. All three provide regular comments on current events as well.
Thomas Kidd. Thomas is professor of history at Baylor University. You can connect with Thomas through his blog, on Facebook, and via Twitter.
Nathan Finn. Nathan is Dean of the School of Theology and Missions and Professor of Christian Thought and Tradition at Union University. You can connect with Nathan through his website, on Facebook, and via Twitter.
Jason Duesing. Jason serves as the academic Provost and Associate Professor of Historical Theology at Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. You can connect with Jason through his website, on Facebook, and via Twitter. His latest book is also an excellent resource on church history.