Why I Chose DBU’s PhD Program
Sam Rainer
A reader of this blog asked in the thread of my previous post why I chose Dallas Baptist University for my PhD in Leadership Studies. I thought it was a good question. And given that I’ll be studying from a Hampton Inn all week, I figured I’d take a quick break from my lonely hotel academia and answer his question.
So why DBU?
The cohort nature of the program. I wanted to pursue my PhD, but I did not want to be away from my church for 3 days a week. DBU’s cohort program is flexible enough for a full-time pastor to complete it in four years (or maybe seven)…
Diversity of my cohorts’ backgrounds. One of the more attractive aspects of the program is the diversity of the people. In our group are pastors, business people, and academics from different parts of the world. This global blend of people brings many different perspectives to the table.
Servant-leader focus. Since one of my passions is to train the saints, DBU’s focus on servant-leadership will certainly equip me better to equip others.
Personal degree mix. I have an undergraduate degree from the University of South Carolina (the real USC) in finance and marketing, as well as a Master’s in Missiology from Southern Seminary. Since I have a business degree and a theological degree, a leadership degree rounds out a good personal degree mix from three very different schools.
High praise. I heard of the program through several of my mentors, all of whom said that DBU was the place to go.
Strong leadership. It only makes sense that a school for leaders has a strong leader at its helm. Such is the case at DBU. Dr. Gary Cook, DBU’s president and for whom the leadership school is named, has been at the school for 20 years. During his tenure, DBU has undergone a tremendous transformation.
Well, enough of a break. Now it’s back to studying…
Sam, what is your email address?
Mark – you can reach me at Sam.Rainer@RainerResearch.com
Sam, sounds exciting! I don’t know much about Dallas Baptist University, but that looks like a good program.
I still have yet to get myself to seminary. I’ve looked at Bethel, and at Liberty. Looking for affordable and something I can got to while staying in my current position.
Have you heard of anything? I know more seminaries are adding programs for people in full-time ministry.
Shane – I haven’t researched extensively online programs, but I believe that Liberty has a pretty good one.