And It All Begins Tomorrow
Sam Rainer
I fly out late tomorrow morning to begin my Ph.D. in Leadership Studies at Dallas Baptist University. I’m excited about the cohort nature of the program, but I’ll also admit to being a bit nervous and overwhelmed. I’ll be in Dallas all next week for day long classes. So by the time I return I should be good and fried.
I will be praying you get everything out of your Ph.D. studies that I have gotten out of mine. God used the pressure cooker environment of my studies in great ways. As a result I feel much more equipped for ministry than I did when I started.
By the way, you couldn’t possible have had more fun in Florida than I did. The east coast is definitely better than the gulf :).
This admittedly biased dad is incredibly proud of you. I know that you will do well. You always have my love and prayers.
Thanks Dad.
And Chris – Don’t even get me started…the Gulf rules!
We want updates on your progress in Dallas!
Chris –
My apologies, but live blogging from class simply isn’t an option. Besides, I doubt many people want to know the nuances of qualitative research.
I can say that day 1 went well. It’s exciting and humbling to begin this journey.
Dear Sam,
You do not know me but I stumbled across your blog as I was searching for information about the DBU Phd program. I am not a Pastor but my vocation is in church-ministry as well — Catholic, not Baptist. I have been looking for a Phd program for the past few years that captures the essential message to all future church leaders in the washing of the feet. (At 49, I also need to continue to work full time to keep my family fed and happy.) I was pleased to see the image of Jesus washing the feet on one of the website pages.0
I know you must be extremely busy but would appreciate your quick thoughts by an email or telephone call – whatever is quicker for you – on why you selected this particular program.
Thanks and God bless,
Brian Backe
Westminster, Maryland