The Task Not Yet Complete
Sam Rainer
As reported by the Global Research Department of the International Mission Board, approximately 3.8 billion people across the globe remain unreached – they do not know Christ. And almost 2.4 billion, or over 60%, of these people are in four distinct regions – South Asia, the Pacific Rim, Northern Africa, and the Middle East.
I must admit these figures seem daunting – the ends of the earth are still yet to be reached. The task of the Acts 1:8 imperative is not complete. As a Southern Baptist, December is a time when we celebrate the successes of our missionaries outside of North America. This month our church along with tens of thousands more will give to what we call the Lottie Moon offering. It is our way of cooperating together as like-minded believers to fund the task of fulfilling the Great Commission.
Lottie Moon is an example for all of us. For 37 years she dedicated her life to seeing the people of China won to Christ. She loved the people of East Asia so much that she gave away her food to others who were starving. She eventually died of starvation herself.
It was one of her letters home that prompted greater missions support and helped to create a fire for international missions in the United States. Below is an excerpt from this letter:
How many there are… who imagine that because Jesus paid it all, they need pay nothing, forgetting that the prime object of their salvation was that they should follow in the footsteps of Jesus Christ in bringing back a lost world to God, and so aid in bringing the answer to the petition our Lord taught his disciples: Thy kingdom come.
May we never forget that the task of telling the world about Jesus is not yet complete. Billions need to hear the gospel message of Jesus Christ. But there are missionaries across the globe with the passion of Lottie Moon. As the Suffering Servant worked for us, they work for His good news message. Please take a moment and pray for these missionaries in their gospel work. Their calling is great – many will tell you they know firsthand that the cost of discipleship is high. And during this season of giving, remember that one of the best ways to show your support is to give to their cause.