Minority Population Tops 100 Million
Sam Rainer
This article grabbed my attention yesterday. Ethnic and racial minorities now account for about 1/3 of the United States’ population, breaking through the 100 million barrier for the first time.
On a national scale, Hispanics are the fastest growing, followed by Asians. There are more minorities in the United States today than there were people in 1910. And four states along with the District of Columbia have more minorities than members of the majority white population.
I pastor in a region where the vast majority of people are white. But the fastest growing population is Hispanic. I became convicted reading the article. My church certainly welcomes all, but we are doing nothing intentional about reaching people outside of our own demographic.
Christ certainly did not allow cultural barriers to prevent Him from sharing the good news, as is evident with the Samaritan woman. In fact, He went out of his way to offer her living water.
I am curious to hear success stories about other churches reaching outward to other groups of people outside of their own demographic. Anybody have any suggestions? Any successes of living water being shared across cultural boundaries?